Sunday, November 13, 2016

Introduction and Explaination

Wow! I never thought I would decide to blog again. For seven years I blogged under the title of Cabin in the Woods while homeschooling my daughter. Blog posts were mostly about homeschooling and just life in general. I stopped blogging almost exactly a year ago because I was burned out. I didn't really think I had much left to say and my daughter was quickly approaching a graduation date. By the time I really get this blog up and running she will be graduated. In six short months to be exact my daughter will be a high school graduate. She was home with me from 2nd grade on. I would not have traded that time homeschooling her for anything.

So I guess that is where this blog kind of comes from. What will I do with my life after homeschooling a child for the past 11 years. It is quite mind bending to contemplate. I am sure many, many other homeschooling moms go through this same phase of their lives, only for many there are younger siblings to continue teaching. For me, she was the second child and now both will be grown and living their lives as adults.

For the past few months I have done some really deep soul searching about what I want my life to look like now. Do I want a job? Go back to tutoring other homeschooled kids? Craft and create items to sell at festivals and online? Be a housewife and take care of my husband? Travel? Volunteer? Or all of the above? So far I haven't come up with anything concrete, but I do have some avenues I really want to try out. That is what this blog will be about. I'm thinking about art, empty nesters and what it feels like to have all your children raised so to speak, keeping it real, art journaling, creating coffee concoctions (because I love coffee), book and movie reviews, home design on a budget, and so much more.

I don't plan on starting off with a ton of posts. Just dipping my toe in the blogging waters again with much more to come as the date of graduation approaching.

This picture is a couple of years old. Being close to the holidays will bring more current family photos.